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Ghetto University

(Documentary film - 28 minutes)

Violence and crime rate in Montreal-North has significantly increased over the last decade impacting residents, both young and old. It is no longer unusual to avoid evening walks, find bullets lying on sidewalks, or witness police cars pulling up at a neighbor’s home. Beyond its bad reputation, Montreal-North nevertheless consists of a borough where one can find local businesses thrive and outdoor parks packed with teenagers practicing their hoops. Montreal-North is not just an environment; it is the reality of many young adults striving for a better future for both themselves and their family.


Narrated by Montreal-based entrepreneur, philanthropist and keynote speaker Frederico Panetta,  Ghetto University addresses topics such as: the challenges of living in disadvantaged neighborhoods; individual and entrepreneurial success; and the non-traditional way of doing business. Through testimonies of individuals who have grown up in an environment they could not control, the film serves as a motivational piece for young adults to seize opportunities and seek growth on both a personal and professional level.

Public Screenings

Cinéma Impérial, Montréal (2023)

Main Credits (short)

Executive Producer
Panetta Empire


Estelle Hébert

Music Composition
Mixed by Gee

Sound Mixing
Mixed by Gee


Agence de création vidéo Synop6

Director of Photography

T. Anthony Gharzouzi


Sound Recording
Jean-François Bernard
Sébastien Papineau


Assistant to Production
Voyou - Performance Créative


Estelle Hébert

Julie Bouchard
Angelina de Silva Jeca
Jonathan Paquette

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